Many patients that would have had to endure surgery have opted for Non-Surgical Spinal Relief in North Palm Beach, FL and Surrounding Areas.

Decompression MachineToday, you don’t need to suffer from that pain anymore. Thanks to the cooperative efforts of a team of top physicians and medical engineers, Spinal Decompression was developed to successfully treat lower back pain and sciatica resulting from herniated or deteriorated discs. Spinal Decompression not only significantly lowers back pain in many patients, but also enables the majority of patients to go back to more active life styles.

Does this really work?

Spinal Decompression has been verified effective in relieving the pain associated with bulging and herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and even relapse or failed back surgery. Since its launch, clinical studies have revealed an impressive success rate in treating lumbar disc related problems.

How does this work?

It uses cutting-edge technology to apply a distraction force to relieve nerve compression often linked with low back pain and sciatica.

Contact our office today to schedule an initial consultation with our Doctor to determine if you are a candidate for care. After carefully studying your case history and exam findings, he will sit down and explain his recommended plan of action for you. After answering any questions you may have about the recommended plan, you may begin your care with Spinal Decompression.

Call North Palm Beach Disc Center Right Away at (561) 863-8898 to Set Up Your Free Consult!

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